“Suck it up! Get over it! Don’t be a cry-baby!” These are some of the messages we hear as kids… We learn NOT to express emotions. We develop beliefs that
Why is it that some people can be on time every time… and it’s a seemingly impossible task for others? Of course, this has to do with internal programming from
The Serenity Prayer is the common name for a prayer written by the American theologian Reinhold Niebuhr in the early 1930’s. It was later adopted and popularized by Alcoholics Anonymous. Because this prayer promotes acceptance of
When I have tough choices between family and career facing me, I often stop and ask myself, “If I were on my deathbed right now, what would I have liked
Do you ever wonder why people get upset? The last time you got upset, what was happening? I can guarantee you that some expectation you had was NOT met. Here’s
Studies tell us that subconscious programming is developing between the ages of birth and 7 years old. This means that a two-year-old is creating an understanding about life that sticks
I think it is safe to say that all humans will figure out ways to cope with stress. Unfortunately, many of these coping mechanisms will be destructive. Some obvious examples