
Have you ever wondered why a seemingly minor event—like a driver cutting you off on the freeway—can spark such an intense emotional reaction? For some, “road rage” is all too real, especially for those who already struggle with anger. It doesn’t take much to set them off.

Yet, what feels like a major provocation to one person—enough to declare war on the offending driver—might seem like a trivial annoyance to another or a casual onlooker

Why is it that two people can react so differently to the same event?


The String of Pearls: A Collection of Emotional Baggage

In the world of Hypnotherapy and NLP Coaching, there’s a powerful technique called Time Line Therapy® that helps explain why these reactions happen. According to this theory, every significant emotional event you experience adds a new “pearl” to an existing string of similar emotions. Imagine each type of emotion—anger, sadness, fear—as its own strand of pearls. With every new incident, a fresh pearl gets added to that string. And when one of these strings gets tugged, it isn’t just the latest pearl that reacts; it’s the entire collection.

This is why an incident as small as being cut off in traffic can make you feel like you’re about to lose your mind. It’s not really about the driver who cut you off—it’s about every time you’ve felt disrespected or treated unfairly. This latest incident just adds one more pearl to the already heavy string of frustration you’ve been carrying around for years.

The Freeway Blowup: A Perfect Example

A great example of this is the time my husband and I were driving on the freeway, having a perfectly nice conversation, when suddenly—out of nowhere—a driver swerved right in front of us, cutting us off. My husband immediately slammed on the brakes and let loose a string of expletives that could make a sailor blush. He was livid, hands gripping the wheel, face turning red. I thought he was going to have a heart attack!

I looked over at him and asked, “Why are you letting a perfect stranger ruin your day? He doesn’t even know you exist; he’s not out to get you personally.”

My husband paused, took a deep breath, and then laughed. He realized he was acting as if this driver had plotted all morning just to mess with him specifically. When he put it in perspective, it seemed almost silly.

But this is how it works: that driver had unknowingly yanked at my husband’s string of pearls—his accumulated frustrations over years of feeling disregarded or taken for granted. It was never about this one incident; it was about every similar incident that had happened before it.

Time Line Therapy®: Plucking the First Pearl

This is where Time Line Therapy®, Hypnosis, and NLP Coaching come in. Developed by Tad James in the 1980s, Time Line Therapy® helps us trace back to the very first pearl on that string—the initial event that set the pattern for similar emotional responses.

During a hypnotherapy session, we can access deep, subconscious memories and begin to unravel the emotional charge that’s been building over time. By addressing this root cause, we can release the entire collection of emotions attached to it, effectively plucking off that first pearl and allowing the rest to slide away.

Why Be at the Mercy of Triggers?

This example shows how easily we can become prisoners of our emotional triggers. It’s easy to let a stranger on the road determine our emotional state. But here’s the thing: we don’t have to live like that.

Through Hypnotherapy and NLP Coaching, we can delve deep into these subconscious emotional patterns and begin the work of dismantling them. By releasing the first pearl on each string, we free ourselves from the weight of past experiences. 

The Path to Emotional Freedom

The goal of Hypnosis, Time Line Therapy®, and NLP isn’t to eliminate emotions—they’re an essential part of being human. Instead, it’s about gaining control over how we process and respond to them. By clearing out old, heavy strings of pearls, we make space for positive reactions that reflect who we are now, not who we were when those old emotional patterns were formed.

So, the next time you feel yourself boiling over because of a rude driver, take a moment. Ask yourself, “What old string is being pulled right now?” It might be time to pluck that first pearl and let the rest slide away.

Life is so much better when you’re not weighed down by emotional baggage you didn’t even know you were carrying.:)  

Jayne Goldman, MBA, C.Ht., is the Founder and Principal of Best Life Hypnotherapy in Los Angeles. She is a Certified Hypnotherapist, Master NLP Coach, and Master Time Line Therapy® Practitioner, dedicated to helping clients release anger and other negative emotions. She helps clients to achieve emotional freedom through personalized hypnotherapy and NLP coaching sessions.

1 Comment

  1. […] related to infidelity in relationships. Most of the time, it is about my client feeling intensely angry and hurt with a partner for past indiscretions and finding themselves unable to forgive… even […]

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