“Suck it up! Get over it! Don’t be a cry-baby!”
These are some of the messages we hear as kids… We learn NOT to express emotions. We develop beliefs that it’s just not safe to let others know how we really feel. Sometimes when people around us invalidate our feelings, we develop a program of invalidating our own feelings. We learn to push them down. Who wants to cry and be ridiculed in school?
You may have grown up in an environment with parents who are doing all they can to survive and cope with life… paying bills, putting food on the table, managing children and work… the list goes on. They don’t have time to indulge or pamper you because your feelings get hurt. Again… push down those feelings.
You may have grown up with significant trauma in your life. Perhaps an alcoholic or abusive parent? Perhaps a parent suffering from mental illness? Maybe even sexual abuse. We all have our life journeys. And it’s not what happens to you that creates your model of the world… your current reality… IT’S WHAT YOU MAKE IT MEAN THAT REALLY MATTERS.
Kids have to make sense of the world to survive. When you think about what little understanding of the real-world kids have, it’s mind-boggling to think that with a child’s logic, your model of the world is created. This is the model you will carry forward into adulthood. Kids make up what they don’t understand. They don’t even realize they are making it up… because it is REAL to them.
So, I create this belief that “my feelings are unimportant,”… and that gets generalized to “I’m not important” when I’m upset about something as a kid and “no one” seemingly cares about it.
Children don’t have the ability to understand busy adult lives and how little mindshare parents may have for what seem like small, insignificant events to them. However… it’s not small for that child. In fact, it can feel pretty major.
That’s why… in my office and during our customized Hypnotherapy and NLP Coaching sessions… It’s all about “Honoring the child within.” It’s about revisiting events where disempowerment and negative emotions were created through YOUR ADULT eyes and getting some new perspective. This is where LIFE SHIFTS OCCUR FOR YOU, AND healing begins.
Reach out if you’d like to learn more about experiencing a permanent positive life shift yourself. Hypnotherapy and NLP Coaching work will DEFINITELY get you there!
Jayne Goldman, MBA, C.Ht., Founder and Principal of Best Life Hypnotherapy in Los Angeles, is a Certified Hypnotherapist and NLP Master NLP Practitioner and Coach.