
Why is the quote, “Do one thing every day that scares you,” so popular? What makes it resonate with so many people? And more importantly, should we actually be doing something scary every single day?

Here’s the truth: I don’t recommend doing something that scares you every day. That’s not ideal for your nervous system. Constantly pushing yourself into a state of fear or discomfort can lead to stress and burnout. But there is wisdom in the message when taken in moderation. It’s not about living in fear—it’s about mastering it.

Courage isn’t the absence of fear; it’s about learning how to respond to fear constructively. Life inevitably throws challenges our way—some big, some small. Maybe it’s delivering a presentation to a room full of colleagues, even though public speaking makes your heart race. Or perhaps it’s standing up to someone who’s been dismissive or disrespectful, even though confrontation feels uncomfortable. These moments can feel overwhelming, but they also offer opportunities for growth.

When we face our fears, we’re not just overcoming challenges—we’re expanding our comfort zones. The first time you tackle a fear, it might feel monumental, but with each attempt, it gets a little easier. That’s the beauty of resilience. Each act of bravery, no matter how small, builds a foundation of confidence. Eventually, the things that once terrified you become part of your skillset, empowering you to take on even bigger challenges.

This process of stepping out of your comfort zone is what drives personal growth. Growth doesn’t come from avoiding life’s challenges or staying in a bubble of safety—it comes from leaning into those moments of discomfort and discovering what you’re truly capable of.

In my practice as a hypnotherapist and NLP coach, I see this transformation happen all the time. Clients come in feeling stuck, held back by fears that seem insurmountable. Using tools like hypnotherapy, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, and Time Line Therapy®, we work together to reframe those fears. Through subconscious reprogramming and strategic coaching, they learn to approach challenges not with dread, but with curiosity and confidence.

The magic lies in understanding that fear is just a signal—it’s not your enemy. Fear is a natural part of life, and when you learn to navigate it, you unlock your potential. Whether it’s fear of failure, rejection, or the unknown, the key is not to let it control you.

So, while you don’t need to scare yourself daily, challenge yourself regularly. Stretch beyond what feels comfortable. You don’t have to leap into the deep end of fear, but take small, manageable steps toward growth. Each step builds resilience and brings you closer to living the life you’ve always imagined.

Remember, money can’t buy personal growth—only your actions can create it.

Jayne Goldman, MBA, C.Ht., is the Founder and Principal of Best Life Hypnotherapy in Los Angeles. She specializes in helping clients overcome fears and unlock their potential through hypnotherapy, NLP coaching, and Time Line Therapy®.


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