
I’ve had the privilege of working with numerous individuals, assisting them in coping with the profound pain of grief. It’s something I’m familiar with, having lost my mother to  cancer when I was just 17 years old. 

In my work and in my personal experience, I’ve come to understand that grief often leads the human mind to cling to negative emotions,like anger, sadness and guilt… but especially sadness. 

Oddly, there’s an unspoken comfort in feeling sad. It’s as though grief becomes a way to stay close to the memory of our loved ones. I think my subconscious mind really believed at one point that, “As long as I feel this pain, mom didn’t really die.”

But it’s crucial to recognize that dwelling in a perpetual state of sadness can be detrimental to our overall well-being. It is virtually impossible to sustain happiness in life when sadness is our constant companion.

Moreover, grief can lead our subconscious minds to equate sadness with love. It is almost as though we ask ourselves the internal question, “If I stop feeling sad, does it mean I didn’t love them enough?” It’s an emotional tug-of-war that can keep us trapped in a cycle of perpetual sorrow.

Through my own personal development journey, I uncovered a simple but profound truth… If you lose the sadness, you won’t forget people you love or love them less, you just won’t be sad anymore! What a concept!!:)

Letting go of sadness doesn’t mean we forget the people we love or love them any less. It’s not about erasing their memory; it’s about finding a way to remember them with warmth, gratitude, and a smile instead of the black cloud of sorrow.

This is where the incredible tools of hypnotherapy and NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) coaching come into play. They offer a way to navigate the intricate web of emotions that grief weaves.

Hypnotherapy provides access to the deeper layers of our subconscious minds, where these emotional knots often reside. During a hypnotherapy session, a skilled therapist can guide us to confront and release suppressed emotions, allowing us to find a healthier way to cope with grief. It’s a liberating process that helps us let go of the heavy burden of constant sadness while still honoring the memory of our loved ones.

NLP coaching delves into the power of language and thought patterns in shaping our emotions. NLP coaches empower us to rewire our thought processes, replacing negative beliefs with positive ones and changing the way we speak to ourselves. 

This transformation is particularly impactful in dealing with grief, helping us break free from the cycle of perpetual sadness and find healthier ways to remember and cherish our loved ones.

Both hypnotherapy and NLP coaching share a common objective: to provide us with tools to process our emotions in a healthier and more constructive manner. These approaches don’t seek to deny or suppress the pain of grief; they offer the means to help us resolve our emotions, enabling us to move forward in life to again find our happiness.

If you’re on your own journey through grief and are seeking ways to heal, consider reaching out to explore how hypnotherapy and NLP coaching can guide you. They are powerful tools in the process of healing and finding a way to honor your loved ones’ memory with love, gratitude, and a brighter outlook on life. 

Don’t hesitate to reach out if you wish to learn more about this transformative journey.

Jayne Goldman, MBA, C.Ht., Founder and Principal of Best Life Hypnotherapy in Los Angeles, is a Certified Hypnotherapist and NLP Master NLP Practitioner and Coach

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