
Who hasn’t heard the phrase, “Water seeks its own level” as it relates to social interactions?

The truth is that our self-perception shapes our relationships and influences the way others treat us.

In a social context, the concept of water seeking its own level implies a fundamental truth: We are likely to gravitate towards relationships where individuals treat us with the level of respect and value we believe we deserve.

Consider the parallel of water: it consistently finds its level, with gravity causing it to naturally flow downhill until it meets a large body of water, such as a river or ocean.

Similarly, our self-worth acts as a gravitational force, pulling us towards connections and circumstances that align with our internal beliefs about ourselves. If we harbor feelings of inadequacy or lack of self-respect, we inadvertently attract relationships that mirror these sentiments. This gravitational pull operates subtly yet significantly, influencing the dynamics of our interactions.

Fortunately, Hypnotherapy and NLP Coaching work can profoundly positively impact one’s sense of self. Improved self-worth, self-respect and self-love are documented successful outcomes of hypnosis and NLP coaching sessions.

When we don’t value or respect ourselves, we may unknowingly project this lack of self-worth outwardly. Whether consciously or unconsciously, we might seek validation or acceptance from those who reflect our perceived self-worth back to us. This is how some people can find and stay in abusive relationships. 

Conversely, individuals who hold themselves in high esteem tend to naturally seek out relationships and environments that align with their sense of self-worth. They establish boundaries, demand respect, and navigate towards connections that reciprocate the value they place on themselves. Their self-assuredness serves as a filter, attracting relationships that reinforce their positive self-image and dismissing those that don’t align with it.

This phenomenon isn’t solely confined to romantic relationships; it permeates all facets of our lives, including friendships, professional interactions, and even our relationship with ourselves. The patterns we establish in one sphere often echo in others, forming a cycle that reflects our core beliefs about our worth.

Recognizing and reshaping these patterns involves a profound journey of self-discovery and self-reclamation. It necessitates a shift in our internal narrative, cultivating self-respect, and fostering a deeper understanding of our intrinsic value. By acknowledging our worth and embracing self-respect, we begin to recalibrate our relationships, attracting connections that honor and mirror this newfound sense of self.

Breaking free from relationships that don’t honor our worth requires introspection, self-compassion, and sometimes, courageous decisions to reevaluate our social circles and the dynamics of existing relationships. It’s a process of self-empowerment—a conscious effort to align our external realities with the depth of our self-worth. This is where Hypnotherapy and NLP Coaching techniques can be a real game-changer. 

Please always feel free to reach out if you want to know more about how you may create more empowerment for yourself. 

Jayne Goldman, MBA, C.Ht., Founder and Principal of Best Life Hypnotherapy in Los Angeles, is a Certified Hypnotherapist and NLP Master NLP Practitioner and Coach.


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