
“The only path by which another person can upset you is through your own thought.” – Joseph Murphy

This quote offers a powerful perspective shift, reminding us that we hold the key to our own emotional well-being. It underscores the idea that external events or people cannot inherently upset us; rather, it’s our interpretation and response to those events that determine our emotional state.

In the realm of Hypnotherapy and NLP Coaching, this concept holds significant relevance. Both modalities focus on empowering individuals to take control of their thoughts, beliefs, and emotions. Through techniques such as hypnosis and neuro-linguistic programming, clients learn to identify and challenge negative thought patterns that contribute to emotional distress.

Imagine a scenario where someone makes a hurtful comment towards you. In that moment, you have a choice: you can allow their words to affect you negatively, or you can choose to respond with grace and resilience. Hypnotherapy and NLP Coaching provide tools to help you consciously choose the latter.

Hypnotherapy, for instance, allows you to access your subconscious mind, where deeply ingrained beliefs and thought patterns reside. By reprogramming these beliefs, you can change how you perceive and respond to external stimuli. Similarly, NLP Coaching offers strategies for reframing negative thought patterns and behaviors, empowering you to adopt a more positive and empowering mindset.

Through these modalities, you learn to take ownership of your thoughts and emotions, recognizing that you have the power to choose how you interpret and respond to external events. This shift in perspective can be incredibly liberating, as it frees you from the grip of external circumstances and empowers you to navigate life’s challenges with resilience and inner peace.

Moreover, Hypnotherapy and NLP Coaching emphasize the importance of self-awareness and mindfulness. By cultivating awareness of your thoughts and emotions, you gain greater insight into their underlying causes and triggers. This awareness enables you to respond to situations more consciously rather than reacting impulsively based on ingrained patterns.

Both Hypnotherapy and NLP Coaching offer pathways to emotional freedom and empowerment. They teach you that while you cannot control external events or other people’s actions, you can control how you perceive and respond to them. By choosing your thoughts wisely and embracing a mindset of self-empowerment, you unlock your true potential to live life to your fullest potential.

Jayne Goldman, MBA, C.Ht., Founder and Principal of Best Life Hypnotherapy in Los Angeles, is a Certified Hypnotherapist and NLP Master NLP Practitioner and Coach.


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