
What does it take to become intuitive? Can anyone be intuitive? Studies say the answer is “yes” and it just takes getting yourself out of your own way. 


Once you let go of your stuff of the past that is proverbially known as “baggage”… it’s as though you can read other people’s thoughts. You have this automatic ability for empathy… to put yourself in the other person’s shoes and see the world through their eyes. The more you know about that person’s situation and background, the more you can think like that person and know what that person might be feeling. 


For example, if you see a person today who has this need to control everything in life and it annoys you… dig a little deeper. You may find that this person was the child of an alcoholic parent, drug addict or person with mental health issues and their very survival as a kid was dependent upon managing situations that kids should never have to see.  


If you can put yourself in that person’s shoes… and imagine yourself as that child now, it is easy to understand how the need to control became hardwired into their subconscious mind. It became a vital program… like a computer chip… and it, literally, saved them in childhood. That’s not a program their subconscious mind would ever want to drop because it was created for protection and survival.


However, now that child is a pushy, aggressive and controlling adult who realizes that their way of being is losing them friends and opportunities. They try to change, but that same internal program always plays.


You see, they CONSCIOUSLY want to change, but the conscious mind is only 5% of our total mind power.  Their subconscious mind likes that program because it makes them feel safe. No matter how much they may want to consciously change, their subconscious mind won’t allow it because it feels like without that control, they will die. This is very real to that person.  You’ve got 5% vs. 95%, so we know the subconscious mind will always win out. 


Now that you are understanding all of this… instead of annoying you, you can speak with that person in a more compassionate tone, which might just change the whole dynamic in your relationship.  If and when that person is ready to change that subconscious program because they realize that it not only no longer serves them… but it hurts them… hypnosis and NLP coaching techniques will get them there! 


Reach out if you want to know more!


Jayne Goldman, MBA, C.Ht., Founder and Principal of Best Life Hypnotherapy in Los Angeles, is a Certified Hypnotherapist and NLP Master NLP Practitioner and Coach.

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