
Feeling shame and embarrassment about your roots? If you do, please know that you are certainly not alone. It’s a very heavy burden that many people carry silently throughout their lives. 

Whether it’s growing up in poverty or having parents who didn’t fit society’s mold of acceptability, the shame can be overwhelming. I’ve encountered countless individuals who have shared their deep-seated embarrassment about their upbringing, recounting stories of hiding their home life from friends and partners out of fear of judgment.

One client, in particular, stands out—a woman who couldn’t bear the thought of her fiancé meeting her parents or visiting her childhood home because of the shame she felt. It’s heartbreaking to witness someone reject a significant part of themselves due to societal stigma and self-imposed judgment.

This particular person loved her family dearly, but could not get past her fear of possible rejection if people discovered “the truth” of how she lived. Her shame was then coupled with the guilt of hurting her parents’ feelings in order to avoid being judged herself. 

But the REAL truth is that denying your roots means denying a part of who you are. Your upbringing, your family, and your past experiences shape you in profound ways, whether you realize it or not. Carrying shame about your roots means carrying shame about yourself at your core.

In my work with clients, I guide them through breakthrough sessions using specialized modalities aimed at releasing this deep-seated shame and transforming it into pride. One powerful technique involves hypnosis and imagery, where clients imagine confidently giving people a tour of their childhood home and proudly introducing them to their parents. They realize that they didn’t choose their environment or relatives—they were simply placed there for a reason. 

I also typically use a very powerful NLP Coaching technique called Time Line Therapy® to guide people in releasing the negative emotions and limiting beliefs that hold them back. Emotions from situations like these may include anger, resentment, sadness, fear,  hurt, guilt and shame. Limiting beliefs would be centered around insecurities and feelings of lack of worth and value. 

Through this process, clients learn to let go of judgment and shame, recognizing that their past does not define them. Instead, they extract valuable lessons from their experiences and use them as stepping stones to create the life they desire.

The transformation from shame to pride is profound and liberating. Once clients release the weight of their past, they step into the driver’s seat of their lives, empowered to navigate their journey with confidence and purpose.

If you’re struggling with shame about your roots, know that you’re not alone, and there is hope for healing and transformation. Reach out to learn more about how you can break free from the chains of shame and embrace your true essence with pride. You deserve to live a life that honors every part of who you are.

Jayne Goldman, MBA, C.Ht., Founder and Principal of Best Life Hypnotherapy in Los Angeles, is a Certified Hypnotherapist and NLP Master NLP Practitioner and Coach.


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