
They say that everything you do is triggered by an emotion of either desire or fear. This simple but profound insight can shed light on the way we make choices in life. 

In essence, our actions can be categorized into two primary motivators: moving away from something we fear, or moving toward something we desire. But which of these motivations is the healthier and more sustainable option in the long run?

Let’s explore this idea. When fear is the driving force behind our actions, it can certainly be a powerful motivator. For instance, many people are motivated by the fear of failure, the fear of poverty, or the fear of disappointing others. These fears can propel us to work diligently and take action, at least until we reach a level of comfort or security.

However, the problem with fear-based motivation is that it’s often short-lived. Once the fear is alleviated or we achieve a certain level of comfort, motivation tends to wane. We’ve all witnessed individuals who have successfully avoided poverty or other fears but then settled into complacency, no longer driven to pursue their goals with the same vigor.

On the other hand, when desire and passion are the forces propelling us forward, the story unfolds quite differently. When you run toward your dreams and aspirations, you not only embark on a path that promises greater fulfillment, but you also unlock your full potential in the process. Passion is a fire that burns brightly, and it has the power to keep us motivated over the long haul. Unlike fear, which can lose its grip on us once the threat subsides, passion continually fuels our journey towards self-improvement and self-realization.

In this light, the choice between motivation fueled by fear and that driven by passion becomes clear. Passion-driven individuals are not just driven; they are also more likely to persist in the face of adversity. When challenges arise, they don’t retreat but press forward with resilience, knowing that their journey is a reflection of their deepest desires. Fear, on the other hand, can often lead to avoidance and a narrow focus on what we don’t want, which may limit our ability to see new opportunities and pathways to success.

This is where the powerful tools of hypnotherapy and NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) coaching can play a pivotal role. Hypnotherapy can help individuals overcome deep-seated fears and anxieties, replacing them with empowering beliefs and desires. Additionally, NLP coaching offers techniques to rewire thought patterns and create a positive mindset that’s aligned with your deepest desires.

So, the wisdom encapsulated in the idea of “losing the fear and finding yourself” becomes apparent. By shedding the fear-based motivation and embracing your inner passions and desires with the assistance of hypnotherapy and NLP coaching, you not only embark on a more fulfilling and sustainable path but also unlock your greatest potential. This transition is not about denying the existence of fear but rather recognizing that it’s healthier to let desire and passion guide your actions, as they can lead to a more rewarding and lasting journey.

The choice between being motivated by fear or driven by passion is a pivotal one and is not necessarily a conscious choice or decision. Fear can be a strong initial catalyst but often fades with time, leading to complacency. In contrast, passion provides an enduring source of motivation and growth, offering the opportunity to discover your full potential. With the assistance of hypnotherapy and NLP coaching, you can let go of fear and embrace a desire-based motivation that leads to a more authentic and rewarding path in life.


Jayne Goldman, MBA, C.Ht., Founder and Principal of Best Life Hypnotherapy in Los Angeles, is a Certified Hypnotherapist and NLP Master NLP Practitioner and Coach

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