Jayne Goldman is a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, NLP Coach, Time Line Therapy® and NLP Practitioner, Founder and Principal of Best Life Hypnotherapy in Los Angeles

After completing her MBA, Jayne spent 30 years in the business world before discovering her real passion and talent for guiding people in creating breakthrough changes in their lives. She received her clinical training from the prestigious Hypnosis Motivation Institute (HMI) in California, considered the nation’s #1 Hypnotherapy College. Jayne graduated with honors and the distinguished Director’s Award for her achievements in clinical practice. She pursued advanced NLP and Time Line Therapy® certifications from the Tad James Company and she also earned additional certifications in Weight Control, Smoking Cessation, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Pain Management and Coping with Loss, among others.
My Personal Story
I became a hypnotherapist because of a success story with my son, Andrew. Andrew has Ataxic Cerebral Palsy, which is related to fine motor and balance. Cognitive processing is significantly impacted and resulted in severe learning delays; he was not reading at age 23. Although he is developmentally delayed, Andrew did have the real ability to read by the time he was in his early teens. However, because he had tried and failed for so many years, he refused to even look at a book and had a very poor self-image. A friend suggested that Hypnotherapy might help him to believe in himself. Through a series of sessions, the Hypnotherapist had him believing that “he was so smart that reading was easy for him.” To my shock, Andrew began to read, driving his self-esteem through the roof! The power of hypnotherapy was obvious to me and from that point forward, I was determined to learn as much as I could about hypnosis and the subconscious mind so I could help others to achieve miracles in their lives, as well. Today, Andrew is a very confident young man, living independently with limited support.

Credentials, Associations & Certifications
- Member of the American Hypnosis Association
- Certified Hypnotherapist – Certification I.D. #13156478
- Certified NLP Coach and Practitioner
- Certified Time Line Therapy® Practitioner
- Smoking Cessation Certification
- Weight Loss Certification
- Therapeutic Imagery Facilitator Certification
- Handwriting Analysis Certification
- Reiki Level One Certification
- Advanced Credentials in Coping with Loss, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Attention Deficit Disorder and Pain Management.