
How is it that siblings can grow up in the same household, be raised by the same parents, and yet turn out so different from one another?

The answer often lies in the complex interplay of nature versus nurture. While part of the explanation involves DNA and genetics, the “nurture” side of the equation carries an even deeper influence. It’s not just about how we’re treated by our environments or shaped by our early life experiences—it’s also about how we interpret those experiences.

As children, we absorb everything around us like a sponge. We’re constantly forming beliefs about ourselves and the world based on what we see, hear, and feel. And unfortunately, this process happens automatically—we don’t get to choose how we process those early messages.

For instance, imagine a child with a parent who regularly criticizes them, using words like “stupid” or “worthless.” That child will internalize those messages, accepting them as truth. “I’m stupid,” they think. “I’m not good enough.” These beliefs then shape their actions and, ultimately, their reality. If they believe they’re not smart, they might stop trying in school, which leads to poor grades and further reinforces that limiting belief. Over time, this creates a self-fulfilling prophecy—a cycle of behavior and outcomes that match the child’s negative self-perception.

This is why beliefs are so powerful. They act as the lens through which we see the world, influencing how we think, feel, and act. And the scary part? Many of these beliefs were formed when we were too young to understand or challenge them. They’re like outdated programs running silently in the background, holding us back without us even realizing it.

But here’s the good news: you don’t have to stay stuck in those old beliefs. The narrative you created in childhood doesn’t have to define your future. Beliefs are just thoughts that you’ve repeated enough times to accept as truth—and they can be rewritten.

This is where hypnotherapy, NLP, and Time Line Therapy® come in. These tools allow you to access the subconscious mind, where those old programs are stored. Hypnotherapy helps you uncover the root of those limiting beliefs, guiding you to reframe and replace them with more empowering ones. NLP teaches you how to change the way you think, so you can break free from negative patterns. And Time Line Therapy® helps you release the emotional baggage from past events, so you can move forward without being held back by old pain or fear.

You are not defined by your past. You are not limited by the beliefs you once accepted as truth. With the right tools, you can reprogram your mind, step into your full potential, and create the life you truly deserve.

If you’re ready to break free from the beliefs that are holding you back, reach out. I offer a complimentary phone consultation to help you explore what’s possible.

Jayne Goldman, MBA, C.Ht., is the Founder and Principal of Best Life Hypnotherapy in Los Angeles. She specializes in helping clients rewrite limiting beliefs and achieve their greatest potential through hypnotherapy, NLP coaching, and Time Line Therapy®.


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