
In the wise words of Carl Jung, “I am not what happened to me; I am what I choose to become.” 

This profound statement describes a universal truth that has been echoed in countless ways throughout history. It speaks to the idea that the events that occur in our lives are, in essence, neutral. What truly shapes our reality is the meaning we attribute to these events.

From the earliest moments of our lives, our minds are hardwired to interpret the world around us. As very young children, we lack the ability to understand life’s complexities, and our interpretations are often distorted. These initial interpretations become the building blocks of our self-perception, and unfortunately, they tend to be riddled with disempowering beliefs about ourselves.

Imagine a young child who is scolded by a parent for a minor mistake. To that child, the scolding may not be about the specific incident but rather a reflection of their inherent worth. This interpretation, formed in the tender years of childhood, can linger within us throughout our lives. It becomes part of our subconscious narrative, silently influencing our thoughts, behaviors, and decisions.

The challenge lies in the fact that these early interpretations persist unless we actively engage in personal development work as adults. As a certified Hypnotherapist and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Coach, I can say with certainty that hypnotherapy and NLP techniques are excellent tools for creating positive shifts in our subconscious thought process.

The beliefs developed during our formative years may no longer serve us as we navigate into adulthood. If left unexamined, these disempowering beliefs can hinder our personal growth, limit our potential, and shape our reality in ways we may not even be aware of.

Engaging in personal development work is a transformative journey. It requires us to introspect, to question our long-held beliefs, and to challenge the narratives that have been running in the background of our minds. It’s not a straightforward task, but it is undeniably life-altering. In hypnosis you are in a state of deep relaxation and the process feels effortless.

Personal development involves various strategies and techniques to unearth and reframe these disempowering beliefs. It may include practices like journaling, hypnotherapy, mindfulness, meditation, or seeking guidance from mentors and NLP coaches. The aim is to bring these beliefs to the forefront of our consciousness, examine their validity, and choose new, empowering interpretations.

Through this process, we gain a profound understanding of the power of our own minds. We learn that we have the ability to reshape our self-perception and, consequently, our reality. As we shed the disempowering beliefs that have held us back, we unlock our potential and begin to choose who we want to become.

Personal development is not a one-time endeavor; it’s an ongoing commitment to growth and self-discovery. It’s a journey of self-empowerment that allows us to evolve into the best versions of ourselves. It is a testament to our capacity to shape our destinies, regardless of the circumstances we’ve faced in the past. 

Carl Jung’s wisdom reminds us that we are not defined by what has happened to us but by what we choose to become. As adults, we have the power to reframe and transform our perceptions of the events of our life through personal development work. 

Your true power and potential is not defined by the circumstances of your birth. It is instead, defined entirely by YOU!

Jayne Goldman, MBA, C.Ht., Founder and Principal of Best Life Hypnotherapy in Los Angeles, is a Certified Hypnotherapist and NLP Master NLP Practitioner and Coach

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