In-Person, Zoom and Phone Sessions Available
I sit down with you in our first coaching session to find out what you want to accomplish. What behaviors and emotions do you want to experience when you achieve your goals? I am a firm believer in the fact that all of my clients have the answers they are seeking within themselves; I simply help you to draw these out.
Jayne Goldman is a Certified Hypnotherapist, Time Line Therapy® Practitioner and a Certified Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Coach. Time Line Therapy® and NLP Coaching are advanced techniques, requiring additional training and certification, that enable you to experience breakthroughs in record time and release negative emotions and limiting beliefs that may have held you back for years.
Jayne specializes in a 4-Hour Power Breakthrough Session, where you work together, like “coach” and “athlete” to release the basic negative emotions of anger, sadness, fear, hurt and guilt. You also work to release limiting or disempowering beliefs of the past that may still be prevalent in your life. At the end of the 4-hours, Jayne guides you in placing a new goal into your future, which you should be able to move forwards towards effortlessly, having already released the negative emotions and limiting beliefs that used to hold you back. All of this is reinforced through hypnosis.
Jayne’s sessions are completely customized, depending upon the goals you want to achieve. Sessions may include a variety of techniques, such as Time Line Therapy®, Imagery, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Coaching and traditional Hypnosis, among others. An MP3 recording of the hypnosis portion of each session is included for each client.
You can take advantage of Jayne’s free consultation by calling 310-422-7828 or by submitting the form below to schedule it NOW.